Wednesday, October 31, 2018

New Customer Sign-up with Option to Pay

This feature includes a link you can add to your website, or email to new customers as part of a sign-up process. In addition, customers can approve terms and conditions you may want to add as well as make a payment. The customer and payment data will then sync into QuickBooks.*

Under Advanced Options/Additional Features, turn on the “Payments Without an Invoice” option and the “Add Customers” option. 

Next, under Advanced Options/Add Customers, check the box to “Allow the public to signup from your web site”. You will then be given additional options and access to your sign-up page URL which you can add to your web site or include in an email.   

You can customize the heading on the sign-up page as well as the instructions shown to the customer. If you have terms or text in the instructions that you want your customer to agree to, you can enable the "I agree" checkbox and add the specific language you want shown next to the checkbox. After the customer completes the sign-up form, you can enable one of the following actions:
  • Show thank you message - no further action required
  • Show payer enroll page - the customer (payer) has the option to create a Bill & Pay account
  • Show payment page - the customer can make a payment
  • Show auto-pay approval page - the customer can sign up for automatic payments (Contact support for this option)

Here is an example of the sign-up page the customer will see using the above settings. The fields below can be customized.

*This feature is also available for Bill & Pay Easy Invoice and Enterprise.